When I first read this, I thought (between guffaws, chortles, snorts, and giggles) that BreeGirl was either a refugee from or a convert to Lord Of The Rings fanfic (Bree being the town/tavern where four of the Nazgul almost trapped Frodo and his companions). I could be wrong, though, and I will be interested to learn to whom this appellation belongs.

Oh, and the story was hysterical, too. This is the hardest I've laughed at fanfic since "Folcs In The Mist." Great story! And I loved the way you told it, with journal entries. It gives it a feeling of verisimilitude and authenticity.

More! More! Brava! clap clap clap

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing