Rac, I am so glad you're back! I missed this story a lot. You have been missed, too. I'm sorry you got caught up in all that craziness, but I'm glad your life has settled down a bit. Congratulations on your new job! I hope it's challenging without being overwhelming.

Now, to comments! Clark is about to crack, isn't he? I think he needs to see someone who can keep all of his secrets, someone like Dr. Friskin, someone who can help him find his way back to life. (A brief glimpse of Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore singing "Way Back Into Love" just flashed through my head. Weird, huh? Or just appropriate?) And he needs to share some of his pain with Lois so that she can begin to understand what he went through. I suggest that he begin with those scars on his upper body. He should point to one, tell her how Nor gave it to him, and let her cry with him.

Post-traumatic stress syndrome is dangerous, and that's what Clark is suffering from. If he were to try to perform his Superman duties now, he'd end up clobbering someone, maybe even killing that someone. He can't afford that, not on any level. Please, Clark, get some professional help!

Looking forward to the next chapter. Great story, Rac! Keep 'em coming!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing