<Father, I don't know what to; Roji-Senpai thinks her friend has been killed by Yakuza. I--I just want to tell her I'm alive, and that everything will be okay...>

<No, my son! You can't afford to let people find out that you're different. Remember: The nail that sticks up gets pounded down!>
Great beginning! I can't wait to read the rest of this one!

Wait - what's this? The story included here doesn't follow the initial setup! Oh, Mary, please write this one! I want to know if Faithful Son can convince Concerned Father that Roji-Senpai needs to know that he's okay! And there are some other great setups here, too! Please, please write them!

I'd take a swing at one, but it would take me too long. People would look at it and ask, "What the heck is this thing? I don't recognize anything here!" So you'll have to do it.

Please? With strawberries and bananas and chocolate ice cream on the side? (Virtually speaking, that is.)

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing