Terry, I'm a long way behind, but I'm hoping to catch up now that I've finished posting my story.

Anyway, I just wanted to say I loved this bit -

Their hands had touched just a short time ago, quite by accident, but the contact had startled Lois in a way she’d never felt before. For a moment, there had been only Lois and Charlie in the room. She’d momentarily forgotten about the other members of the Mountaintops, about Christie and all the trouble she’d brought to the band, about the meeting with the police they had been about to enter. All else had faded to nothingness. And when she’d looked into Charlie’s eyes, she’d felt as if she were seeing right down into his soul.

It was a beautiful soul, so beautiful that it took an act of will to tear her gaze away. And when she had pulled her eyes away, she’d felt a sense of loss that she couldn’t explain
Lois has a lot on her mind, but she looks into Charlie/Clark's eyes and nothing else matters.
