
Thank you so much! You guys have made my day!

Look for Backwards II in a bit.

Kathy - you are so good for my ego!

Cristina - thank you for staying up late smile . I can see where it would remind you of that. I *hate* that scene though - was never a big R/R fan after the 'break' and I hate how she looks so... wink

Karen - hehe - glad I could surprise you!

Mel - II coming up shortly!

Sheila - glad to see you! Sorry - no Lois *Lane* in II...

Sarah - thank you!

HG - hehe - I think I'll just let you ponder... wink

JD - thanks!

Amber - did I mention II has Kathy's official stamp of approval and is *done*?

Bob - it's been mentioned that Grandpa has plenty of room for Lois to stay with him accompanied by eye rolls so it's implied but hasn't been explicitly stated IIRC.

Lote - yay! Thanks! Nothing nefarious about Lucy - she's just a teen avoiding her family in favor of her friends [and keeping her away while Trask was loose at first]. As for the other two.. I'm not sayin' nothin'

Terry - Awwww - I like that ending scene! And the scene after the credits?! BRILLIANT! But would *I* do that? Worthy of Carolfic? What are you talking about?! I promise, Lex is mentioned in II but that's it smile .

Michael - thanks smile . Um... you'll have to wait and see - Ch. 2 I think. Does Superman fly?! Well, not a the moment, but usually wink .

Okay - getting 1 ready to go and then will be back!

Thanks again!