Please, Carol, you don't need to hide just because you've been spoiling us rotten for the last three weeks. And, for those Brits, Aussies, Kiwis, Germans, etc. who might not immediately think of it, I will point out that Saturday is a major U.S. holliday--Independence Day.

Now, on to actual feedback: I did a double-take when Clark spotted his mom at the corn festival, as, of course, you meant me to. It does seem surreal that Ellen Lane, in any universe, could have raised Clark. You gave us a terrific explanation for it earlier, but it still makes one look twice.

And I loved Lois's reaction to Jor-El's message. There are some things that touch your own heart so deeply that they are intrinsically private. To expose them to anyone else, even your most trusted friend, would destroy their beauty. They just get lost in translation.

The "Will you come with me?" line is so wonderfully open-ended, it made me think of the country song by Josh Turner.

Romp on!

This *is* my happily ever after.