So, what they said. Lex II - don't trust him as far as I could throw a decent-sized pony.
There IS a reason for Lex II, believe me! I have a plan, don't worry . . . it's somewhere in my brain . . . jump

Well, it looks like I was right. Jimmy not knowing *is* causing problems. I felt so sorry for Linda.
Isn't young love always full of problems? I mean, it's bad enough dealing with a girl, and all, but how do you tell your boyfriend that you can benchpress a Buick? smile

Part 3 coming up (and Part 4 and 5, since I'm leaving town for a couple of days)!


I'm too young and boyish to go to jail. - "Top Copy"

Who's your buddy, huh, who's your pal? - "Tempus Fugitive"

Chief, instead of always standing around watching Lois and Clark, wondering what they're doing, what if we got lives of our own that were a little more interesting? - "And the Answer Is . . ."