She laughed softly. "Right. That would be a great disguise though. If he could... shape shift into a woman."

"It would be."

"Or really, I guess he'd be a woman who shape-shifted into a man to be Superman. So I doubt that's right – what woman in her right mind would want to shape shift into a man? ..."
I laughed out loud! That was great!

This Lois is still the take-no-prisoners Lois we all know and love. I like the way you've maintained their personalities despite having them grow up in each other's homes. And Lois' leaps of logic are even better than her leaps of derring-do on the Tarzan route.

So now she's figured it out. And there won't be any you-lied-to-me-I-thought-I-was-your-friend nonsense here. Now all she has to do is convince Clark that she's going to sit on the biggest story since the sinking of the Titanic. That, of course, assumes that Clark's powers will come back soon. I don't know what that second dose of green K will do to him. At the least, it will set his recovery back a ways, but at worst it could leave him powerless for days.

Of course it will leave him powerless for a while! He'll have to rely on Lois, and that will convince him that he can trust her. I just hope she isn't too mad when she finds out that her folks already know.

And I hope Sam isn't too mad at Clark for spilling the secret. Hey, maybe Sam can bring some pressure on Trask that no one else could. Maybe he has some political contacts he can reach out to.

Looking for the next excellent chapter, Carol! This is a great story.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing