Michael - just for you I'll post now - how's that? wink

Edit for FDK:

JD - Glad you like the naked line. Um, about the cookies... I have to admit that Jenn said that after I sent her some... I knew they were good but not *that* good wink . I'm still offering Sue some for the rest of Ricochet...

Iolan - glad you liked it smile . Dunno about prissy, hissy-fit etc. I'm told Lois was actually a tomboy in the comics because of her son-wanting father. It's been mentioned that he was in Scouts...

Bob - yeah I know wink . I've seen Alt-Loises that cook too... As for K in Smallville - what little plotting has been done revolves around whether there is any and if so why, but no revealing what the final decision was wink .

Female Hawk - glad you're enjoying it! It's not truly backwards - that was a title that came to me while writing what was supposed to be a oneparter...

DS - See the next chapter smile .

Happy - muse is romping wink .

Michael - see next post - up now - just for you smile .
