And, hel-lo... laugh Sparks between Linda and Jimmy, huh? I thought the ending was cute and didn't suck at all.
No, it's not sparks, it's SUPER sparks! smile1

Okay, on to story no. three. The title of which is already rather intriguing. <g>
clap clap

Brava, Jaxie! Thanks for sharing such a fun story.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Thank you! *bows, falls over, gets up quickly, rubbing forehead and grinning sheepishly*


I'm too young and boyish to go to jail. - "Top Copy"

Who's your buddy, huh, who's your pal? - "Tempus Fugitive"

Chief, instead of always standing around watching Lois and Clark, wondering what they're doing, what if we got lives of our own that were a little more interesting? - "And the Answer Is . . ."