By the way, one little quibble: I'm glad that the thug talks so grammatically, using a proper adverb. But don't you think that he'd say, "Breathe deep" instead of "Breathe deeply"? He must be an educated thug.

Now, back to regularly scheduled commentary:

Yeah! Who *is* Lois talking too? Good job on leaving it so frustratingly undefined. And good job on rushing through the events of the episode and getting back to the angst between our characters.

Why can't they just communicate? Have they ever had time to sit down together and have a long talk about what each of them wants? Have either of them ever told the other what they want? Oh no, they just keep assuming that they know what the other person thinks and feels! I'm so frustrated about it! (Good job with the fic to make me get that way. You are the true Queen of Evil. And it's Evilness based on just mundane conversations!)

(That was supposed to be a compliment.)

OK, I'm hoping for more, real soon!