Eeep - you had me worried for poor Jimmy there for a time! I thought maybe you were going to make Tank's day. (You might have figured by now that Jimmy isn't his favourite character) goofy
I know a little . . . what's his adversion to Jimmy? smile

And a sweet little ending, too. This was a fun reworking of some familiar characters, Jaxie. smile
Thank you so much, Lab! And thanks for the advice; I've taken it to heart, and you were right! wink


I'm too young and boyish to go to jail. - "Top Copy"

Who's your buddy, huh, who's your pal? - "Tempus Fugitive"

Chief, instead of always standing around watching Lois and Clark, wondering what they're doing, what if we got lives of our own that were a little more interesting? - "And the Answer Is . . ."