Getting caught up on Falling...

I love that Lois gives Clark the benefit of the doubt. She trusts him even though they haven't come to any permanent decisions about where their relationship is going.

I don't know where Carol is going with this, but I don't think Clark moving out is necessarily a bad sign. He could just want to establish himself as an independent person since they haven't decided to stay married. He probably wants to keep seeing her, but she hasn't given him a difinitive sign that she wants to stay married. And he knows he can't control himself sleeping in the same bed. They've got to make some decisions. Maybe this will bring it to a head.

One small adjustment I would suggest, Carol: If Clark knows he'll be writing newspaper stories he might still want to use an alias for his bartending job. Of course, when he took the job he wasn't planning on it being an undercover assignment, so... huh

Loved Lois staking her claim on Clark to Toni. I was waiting for Clark to do the "that's my wife" line. It was a nice switch to have Lois doing "that's my husband" instead.

This *is* my happily ever after.