I liked the progression. Kal continues to become more comfortable with life on earth and is starting to open up to Lois, like when he teased her during their Thanksgiving meal. This, however, had me wrinkling my nose:
Martha pretended not to notice when Kal didn’t take anything.
I don't quite understand Kal's hang up with eating. I get that he doesn't want to take something he doesn't need, but if he's learned anything about the many earth cultures, it's that sharing a meal is a lot more than just filling your stomach. Food is love. Especially at Thanksgiving - appreciating the food is one way to show our gratitude for the bounty. I would think that because Kal has spent so much time with a farmer, that this would be apparent. It must be that dense molecular structure getting in his way wink

I did like his sudden awareness of Lois. Bring on the UST!

Oh, dear. Nightfall. How traumatic will this be for Kal, to see his second home threatened with complete destruction.

More soon, please.