Okay, I read this as my computer was massively misbehaving and so I felt justified in readng rather than working. But of course, my computer is running fine now.

Thank you for providing such a nice distraction from work. It was so good it made me forget that the reason I was reading was that I thought my computer was about to crash and I was going to lose several hours worth of work. And since it was a different computer that was doing this and the ominous blank screen was just beyond this one, that was quite a feat!

It did make me wonder, though - what would happen if Lois took all that she noticed and questionned Clark about why he looked so poorly? What if she found out that evening that he had tried to be there for her even before she saw him - would probably have come the wedding if he had not been trapped in the k-cage? My first thought was that Lois is so fragile in this moment that it just may destroy her to find out both that Clark has been lying to her and what he was going through right now.

But then I finished your story and I'm not that sure. By the end, simply feeling Clark's arms around her seems to restore some of her strength and she doesn't seem that fragile.

I really should get back to work now, but thank you for a truly lovely distraction!