So, does Lois remember Clark's big secret? Or does she think of it as a drunken or drug-induced fantasy? Clark certainly seems to have some memory issues - that Red K did a number on him!

The wedding album was very poignant. I really liked that touch. And it's evidence, too!

I like how you discuss the Smallville curiosity about Clark's marriage. The gossips are going to have a field day now that Lois is here!

Now, they both know the marriage was a fluke. The divorce should be simple and painless, right?

Ha! What was I thinking! This is a Carol fic so there must be much angst! Why do I think (like all the other posters) that there might be a little baby Kent coming along? *That* will certainly mess up the (possibly maybe might-have-been) amicable divorce.

You're posting rapidly and I appreciate it! I can hardly wait for the next chapter.