Ah, Brilliant. This story is great, and I love how you changed the norm from:

Lois declares her love for Clark
Realizes he's Superman
Is hella-angry
They get back together after much yellage from Lois

To a much more realistic:

Lois declares her love for Clark
Realizes he's Superman
Feels awful for all the things she put him through
They get back together after angsty-filled moment

/me sighs. I love this story, and as soon as it hits the archive, its going straight to my HD.

Is there works for another story, in the future? Not necessarily a sequel, but another story in general? I'd love to read it. And if you ever need any more BRs, I know someone who'd love to do it (pickmepickmepickme) blush .

Loved it,

Jo huh (Who picked this smilie because she felt it was a little under-appreciated)