But, the promise of FDK won't make you write faster? ...No? Darn.

Okay, no staring contest. You win.

I completely get why Flark is withdrawing from Plois. It's lunkheaded, of course, but I get it. What I find really interesting is that Plois seems to be quickly falling for Flark in a way that I don't think she's necessarily ready for yet. Is it the realization that she -will- get to this point in her life that is allowing her to drop a couple of her barriers a little more quickly? Because once upon a time, Lois slammed the door in Clark's face. Now Plois isn't even thinking about door-slamming. Of course, the poor girl has had to adjust to a lot of shock over the past couple of days.

Either way, this is an intriguing tale you are weaving! I am very anxious for another part. I kind of devour your fics, so I'm trying really, really hard to be patient for the next segment, but failing miserably.

And I'll second Carol - if you need another set of eyes, I can volunteer my services. wink