This is such powerful stuff. They're both so confused and hurt and angry (at themselves and each other) and yet can't help but be drawn to each other, the 'just sex' makes the hurt go away, if only temporarily.

I love that this is in the first person, I think through Lois' observations we get a sense of some of what Clark is feeling, but more so, I think what he's going through is really a distorted reflection of what Lois is doing to herself. He hates her but he doesn't and he hates himself for not being able to just hate her, which leaves his own confusion, doubts and demons to eat away at him.

Really they seem to be seeking comfort from each other and trying to forget themselves at the same time.

I think trying to explain it all for both of them would take away from the story somewhat, we have to learn about Clark through Lois and that seems to be right for the tone of writing.

On a separate note, I'm glad Perry was able to give Clark some forewarning before the exposure story ran, it seems as if Jonathon and Martha were afforded some protection from the fall out. Although, given Clark's demeanour when the subject came up in part 3, I'm sure there's more story to be told...

This is such a powerfully, gripping tale so far, please don't make us wait too long for the next part grovel

All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?