I think that 'the other' Lois and Clark were starting to create a life for themselves that might have turned out pretty good. I like that Clark told Lois that he wanted to date her, and I liked that they discussed the possibility that Christopher was Clark's son. And it was good that Clark admitted to Lois that he was no longer in love with Lana. So all in all, younger Clark and Lois seemed to be doing pretty well on their own. I think that, on balance, the life that these two seemed to be building for themselves could have been as good as the one that present-day Lois and Clark have (or had, until Tempus messed everything up). What I'm saying is that I have some doubts about Lois and Clark's puppeteering of their younger selves.

Unless, of course, it is critically important that Nate is born. Maybe some momentous event can't happen unless he exists. Of course, it could just be that Lois and Clark want him back, which is why they try to steer their younger selves down a path where they will create him. I would like to point out, however, that Lois had a daughter by Joe, and the little girl's disapperance is to be mourned as much as Nate's.

But of course, I don't blame 'our' Lois for wanting her youngest son back.
