Well, this is scary. I mean, you try to set history on the right course, but you have no idea whatsoever what you'll end up with. When I read generic science fiction about thirty years ago, I remember reading a short story about an expedition that had gone back in time about 600 million years to look at dinosaurs. They were not allowed to touch anything in the past, so they walked on some kind of planks suspended a foot or so off the ground. But one of the guys stumbled and put his foot down on the ground. Guess what? When they came back to their own time again, humanity was gone and the Earth was ruled by a race of intelligent, purplish blobs! And when the guy who had stumbled looked under his boot, he saw that he had squished a butterfly when he had stepped on the Earth of the past! By killing the butterfly he had eliminated humanity and replaced it with intelligent blobs!!!! eek eek eek

Anyway, I like the idea that it is Lois and Clark who make sure that Lois's college application reads 'Louis Lane', that the door to the cabin is unlocked, that there are a lot of extra blankets there etcetera.

(Hmmm. And I, too, wonder how Flois and Fclark can make sure that Plois and Pclark make Christopher that night. I can see that the younger Lois and Clark can be manipulated to have sex that night (oh, the interesting possibilities here!!! blush blush blush ), but how can we know that they are going to make Christopher? Isn't it every bit as likely that Plois would end up pregnant, but with another child than Christopher?)
