Going to reply tonight b/c if I wait until tomorrow morning all I'll have time for is a flyby. Hoping to get posted in the morning, but may not have time...

Ann - so sorry to make you jittery smile .

Mel - I do too. The ones I've had the strongest was when my last two were going to be born. For months I knew DD3 was going to be AT LEAST 2 weeks early [she was 3 weeks early] and DS was going to be born in July [due Aug 24, born July 25]. And when I went into labor with both of them. Gut feelings I couldn't define, but I *knew* it was today [esp with DD3, no reason to think that at all - no contractions or anything but 2.5h after I told DH we were on our way to the hospital]. The other time was when I was pregnant with DD3. We had about 6-8 blood tests in about 2 weeks and every time, if I would let myself look deep inside, I'd know what each answer was going to be, but when I knew it was 'yes' I still couldn't let myself believe it to protect myself you know? Anyway - I gotta go with Vicki here - God gave us those gut feelings for a reason.

Lieta - hmm... interesting thought smile .

Sara - yes I did and she will show up wink . And we all know how I feel about A plot...

Michael - you are evil. /whistles/ I think you know more than anyone else but my betas...

Andreia - would I do that? /innocent eyes/ *MINDY* with Clark?!?! I don't think even I'd do that...

Sarah - I like waffy too smile .

Natascha - /whispers/ What if it's not Mindy *or* an asteroid?

Lara - ooo clones!!! Great idea!!! NKers!!! YAY!

More tomorrow - hopefully tomorrow morning!
