Hey Carol,

Sorry for having been absent again but I am battling a really bad bronchitis/flu at the moment and while I still go online to get my fix, I am usually not up for comments.

I did enjoy these past few parts and I certainly like the preview. It is about time they start planning the wedding!!!

Sam's acceptance of who Clark really is (I wonder how he is really coping?) made me sigh in relief. It did make sense to tell him since Dr. Klein as the family doctor is out of the question here. goofy

Of course Clark needs to be called Superman but in comparison Van-El seems very lame somehow. Btw, does Bernie look like he is in his mid 30s? Just wondering. He is 15 years older than Clark, right?

I am glad Nate is doing better finally. I can only imagine how hard the past year or so must have been for you and your family, Carol.

Off to bed now, looking forward to the next part!
