By now, she was a grandmother with not one, not two, but three grandchildren and two more on the way,
Oh, wow!

Lois still couldn't believe how old she was, for she didn't feel her age, thanks to her superpowers.
Man, I wish I had some super powers so I wouldn’t feel my age.

Kent Manor
Oh, that’s nice.

Okay, so it wasn't as if it had 137 rooms,
Hmm... Now why does this sound familiar. Scratching my head.... I know I’ve read that somewhere before. wink

It was funny, but somehow Lois and her daughter Lara were the only ones in the family who knew how to land without the 'Woosh'-sound so characteristic for her family, a feat that allowed her to sneak up on her unsuspecting offspring on occasion.
Lois can do it because she’s a mother.

She couldn't even make a cheesecake if her live depended on it.
Maybe it’s Lois’ specialty? Or maybe she cheats and buys it from a bakery. (Or Sam’s for those of you who know what that is.)

And if you asked her to get something as simple as cherry tomatoes, she wouldn't know whether to look for them in the vegetable section or the fruits section in the supermarket...
Could be quite a quandary since tomatoes are really fruits, but we treat them as vegetables. Did you know that people used to think that tomatoes were poisonous?

for, although they were fruit in the botanic sense, they were commonly counted among the vegetables.
See! Even Lois knows.

It wasn't as if she had been looking for trouble either time...
Uh-huh. Yeah, right, Lois.

But she knew they wouldn't come, not now and not ever again because they had died earlier in the year.
Aww.... sniff, sniff.

Lois sobbed silently. “Yes, I know. But it's worse now. It's our first Christmas without them.”
And it can really be like that with a beloved pet.

Lois sobbed silently. “Yes, I know. But it's worse now. It's our first Christmas without them.”
I love Clark’s puppy dog look.

She still had to make the cheesecake she had sworn to make,
Don’t forget the cream cheese, Lois...

Entering the kitchen, she quickly got the ready-made cake out of its package, put some cheese on top and put the whole thing in the oven.
rotflol I love the way you have handled this. Lois has absolutely no clue what a cheesecake even is - or at least what’s involved in making one. I laughed when I read this.

Hmm.... What’s Lara’s daughter’s name? Lara or Angie?

there was a small, cake-like something that was covered in crusty cheese. Whatever it was, everybody decided to stay away from it - everybody but JJ's wife, Ricky.
Uh-huh. And is Ricky human? If she is, she might be in trouble. Uh... never mind. Tamaranean, huh?

“Grandma, grandma, is this one of granny Martha's artworks?”

“As sure as there's a 'Cheese of the Month Club,”
Sure there is. Just look on the internet....

Even the extra layer of pure chocolate couldn't disguise the fact that you made them with soap.
Surely Lois didn’t think those were edible? rotflol

Everybody who had the misfortune to try them was kind of bubbling over
Yeah, I’ll bet.

The twins both grinned, and Jack decided it was time to impart their mother with a piece of wisdom. “Mom, trust me on this: Gingerbread and turkey don't go together.”
Yuck. I should say not.

Lara shrugged, trying very hard not to laugh out loud. “Well, let's say it this way: The gingerbread stuffing is made with oninons, apples, clementines and bacon and stuff, *not* with chocolate topping and M&M's and marshmallows...”

Sounds like there is a conspiracy against Lois ever cooking with success.

“Mommy, I'm done,”
Umm.... done with what?

He really manages to burn water.
Hmmph... I think I’ve managed that, too.

Lots of kittens! I want a kitten.

Thanks for the story, Lara. It was marvelous. It gave me a good laugh and I really needed that right now!