OK I've just read it again (yes I do that, don't tell me I'm the only one!) and I remembered some things that might benefit them..

Since Clark is powerless, and the news is out that little Chrissie is 'not his son' they can do a DNA test and nothing would come back that Clark isn't human, because DUH! he is sorta human at this point.. and the fact maybe the media will do some picture things where they compare, and that would make our little lunkhead take notice that he actually does look like him, and that people aren't saying that just to say it.

Plus when Martha went to hide the Kryptonite, he cried that says a lot to me in my opinion...

and I still think it could be someone other than Lana, there could be a possibility that it's someone else.. I really think it could be Jessica.. is that a no no?


Tempus: You want to know the future, Miss Lane? No one works, no one argues, there are 9,000 channels and nothing on!