Hi everyone! Sorry I was so negligent about responding to all this wonderful fdk. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Too much RL going on and I was out of pocket/out of town this weekend.

Hi Patrick! Thank you! I'm glad you like it. I just thought it would be interesting to see a different take on him.

Hi Jen! Ooooh, thank you! Similar... yes, but keep your eye on the Butcher nonetheless. You just don't know about him. wink Heh. I personally LOVED your "ridiculous theory" laugh That definitely could have been fun.

Hi Elisabeth! I'm glad you like this take on him. Yes... older and wiser... err... we hope. smile

LOL Squirky! I'm glad to see you appreciated that line. Lois is the drama QUEEN. smile Heh. Thanks for the fdk.

Hi cp33! Hee hee... sorry bout that. smile Glad you're enjoying it. Thanks!

Poor Ann! Don't be in too much trepidation. smile Never fear... there will be some Lois/Clark interaction soon. As for Claude... yes, in my story he didn't spread water-cooler talk. But really (as Michael points out below) if you go back and watch the Pilot episode (which is the only episode that Claude is even mentioned in) Lois merely says... well, actually, why don't I just quote what she says from the script? But I'll put the script quoting in at the end... right now I'm thanking Ann for her comments. smile Thank you!!! Hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Hello again, Elisabeth! Please see the part below that I took from the scripts. We really didn't know a whole lot about Claude... I just took his character in a little bit of a different direction. smile I always wondered what happened to him after his indiscretion and what would happen if Lois ever saw him again. Thanks again for the comments.

Yay! You're caught up, Michael! smile And thank you for all that lovely fdk. LOL - glad you enjoyed the nickname. I thought about his last name for a long time. But I can't really take credit. I was looking up French surnames, trying to pick one for Claude (since we didn't have a last name for him) and when I saw Boucher (which was derived from the profession of butcher) I just thought it was perfect - given the way he had sort of butchered his relationship with Lois. Heh. Thanks for bringing up the point about Claude. smile Since there's been some questions about the canonization of that character, I decided to post some script below. LOL - I cracked up at your last comment about Michele/Claude. Thanks for the fdk! Glad you're still enjoying it.

LOL SJH! I can't slip anything past you can I? wink No, but seriously, there is something coming up that... um, nevermind, I don't want to say anything... hee hee

Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments and fdk! Glad to know you are all still enjoying it. And please keep in mind that this story is exploring our favorite characters (and even characters we love to hate) "outside their element" and maybe not always acting "in character" or rationally. smile So enjoy the ride.

And here's the quote from the script:

Remember when I told you my three rules? I've broken every one of them. I seem to _always_ get involved in my stories, I ...

... slept with someone at work? (Lois nods guiltily) It wasn't Jimmy, was it?

Don't be ridiculous. It was a long time ago. When I first started at the Daily Planet. Claude -- he was French -- he had this accent... I guess I must have been in love. Or thought I was. I was only twenty-one, working on my first big scoop: this perfectly ordinary middle-age couple -- gun runners. One night, I told him about it and when I woke up the next morning he was gone. So was my story. He won an award for it. Didn't even thank me for my... input.
This is the ONLY time Claude is mentioned in the series (CANON) - he is written about a lot though. smile So you can see, no water-cooler talk is mentioned. It isn't even mentioned whether or not Lois & Claude were dating or just had a fling. And Lois certainly doesn't say whether or not they could or could not have been assigned to the same story... so I just took a few liberties and elaborated on what we were given to create a different background for that story. smile As much as I love Lois, we are all guilty (at least I know I am) of being "one-sided" in the way we tell a story (or even remember it, for that matter)

Anyway, just wanted you to know that I did do my homework first... before taking liberties. LOL!

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.