When this story was just in its "imagining" phase, way back at the beginning, I knew it would be a very serious treatment of this triangle relationship. But I never envisioned the depth of reaction from the readers. Y'all are really prodding at this story to see where it bends and where it's pointing. And if I'm pushing the emotional envelope too far for some of you, I apologize. My goal is to entertain you, not to depress you.

Maybe if I tell you that there will be a resolution to this conflict it would help. I can't tell you that there will be a happy ending - because sometimes my toys don't go back where they came from - but I will say that the situation won't linger.

Ann, your speculation about Frankenstein's monster or Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is very interesting. I hadn't consciously considered either of those aspects while I was writing this, but I can see where you might make those comparisons. They're more fitting than I intended, I think.

Next chapter Thursday evening, probably.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing