
“If I had a secret identity, I wouldn’t exactly be blabbing it to everybody in the first bar I came in to.” Clark paused. “Did you have a…”
“Ten years running,” the other man said. He smiled slightly. “It was the new facial recognition programs that got me…once they compared my face to my driver’s license picture in the system, that was it. I tried blurring my face for a while, but I got sloppy.”
This is something that I thought of before. Superman´s secret identity wouldn´t stand a chance in a world with facial recognition programs. So the other Superman lost his secret identity and does being Superman as a full time job. Does he still have a private live? Of course, there is his Lois, but is he still able to walk around in normal clothes without people flocking around him? But this is something I have read in "When the World finds out" by CC Aiken...

“So everyone you brought with you on the plane…”
“All of them are easily tracked by satellite. They have GPS locators implanted under their skins.”
The government was going to love that. The idea bothered Clark on a basic level, but the longer he talked to the other Clark, the more he realized that the other man was comfortable with things in the name of security that would have been abhorrent to the people of 1993.
Also to the people of 1984... Big Brother is watching you!

If anything, it sounded like this Clark and Lois were going to find this world a breath of fresh air.
So they will fit in and adapt much better than our Clark. This seems to be the movie or comics Superman instead of LnC Clark. And his experience will help a lot, especially when dealing with politicians.

“There’s something I’ve been trying to figure out,” he said. “Where do you put the cape and the boots when you’re wearing a business suit?”

“Why? Why is our son any different than anyone else’s?”
“My client is good at finding buried treasure,” Susan said, smiling slightly.
You are tying up a whole lot of loose ends here, don´t you? This has to be a reference to the treasure ships Clark mentioned for financing things... And there already is a Superman Foundation, quick work, Susan! The other Superman just has to take it over!

The gathering crowd of passengers was murmuring to themselves as they stared at the wingless plane.
“How are we supposed to get home in that?” one man asked irritably. “Flap our wings?”
Lois felt a sudden surge of optimism. Perhaps the paranoia of the United States government had done Clark a good turn for once. These people had obviously been sequestered for the majority of the time they’d been in custody.
So Clark can keep his secret... but when he gets back to Metropolis, the people he knows are used to see him without glasses. Will the classic disguise really work?

She heard another woman mumbling something about the whole other dimension explanation being a government hoax, some sort of twisted psychological experiment.
And this is the beginning of the same thing in the other universe... but their paranoia is on a much lower level than ours.

She didn’t complete her thought because that was the moment that Clark made his entrance, hovering over the entryway to the air hangar.
The gasps of the crowd around her and the pointing fingers were reassuring.
Nice introduction for Superman to the people of his own universe! clap

Lois cleared her throat and looked up at him. “Smallville,” she said, “I’m starting to think you need serious help.”
If she was going to live as Lois Lane, she might as well start getting into character now. Lois smirked slightly.
“You need someone to watch your back. Now that I’ve put you in the suit, I can’t just let you go off by yourself.”
Great! Simply great! clap

I think there is one more chapter to come, or isn´t it?
I want to see Lana! wildguy

And in my last review I will tell you what you get from me for this story! Just wait and see! angel-devil