Oh, wow! You continue to amaze me with every new chapter!

Anita Mendosa straightened her shoulders and then looked grimly into the camera and tried not to cough.
The young reporter from the docks! Nice to see her again!

Anita sighed slightly. “There’s no news helicopter waiting to pull me and my crew out. All such vehicles were commandeered several hours ago to transport city officials and their families.”
These city officials can kiss their jobs goodbye when they come back! mad

Cars began honking up ahead and she could hear an unfamiliar sound from up ahead.
“I hear something,” she said. “It sounds like…cheering.”
A moment later her cameraman filmed a crushed car flying smoothly overhead, borne aloft by a familiar figure in blue and red.
“He really is Superman,” Anita murmured to herself. Realizing she was on camera again she flushed and said, “We have a new development. Traffic is starting to move.”
Don´t flush, Anita, you are right! And right now, you told everyone in front of their TV screens!
And finally: it´s blue and red again? Where did the white go? whinging

Lois’s voice spoke. “We understand. The people here want to thank you for everything you’ve done.”
A chorus of voices rang out in his ear.
“I want to thank you,” Lois said. Her voice sounded hoarse, throaty, and Clark had a moment where he wondered exactly what she meant.
It seems he has got the officials in Washington behind him now... Nobody will try to shoot him again!
And Lois... clap

The fireball was massive, covering the entire sky. In truth it was probably only a mile wide, but to Anita it seemed like it covered everything. Worse, it didn’t fade or burn away. It was as though the fire was continuously being fed from inside the rift.
The sound of the wind was like a hurricane, but this time it wasn’t something to fear. It was the sound of Superman saving them.
Anita glanced at her cameraman. His camera was up and the light was on. They were broadcasting. Whether anyone would see it was anyone’s guess.
If the satellite bowl on top of the van is still intact, they will be broadcasting. A TV network that cuts off a live report like that doesn´t deserve its name. This kind of pictures will convince the whole world of a real existing Superman!

As he closed with the first rift, he tried to stare into the second. He didn’t know where the fire was coming from, but there didn’t seem to be an end to it and no matter how he blew, there always seemed to be more.
What kind of fire is this? huh

It wasn’t until he was almost to the rift that he saw the shadow inside the second rift. It took him a moment to realize that it was coming toward him, like the shadow of a shark coming from deep inside the water.
Before he could react it was coming through.
It was a 747 and it was on fire. If it had been empty, he’d have let it crash. He had more important things to do than grab an empty piece of machinery, and the plane would have missed the news van in any case.
But there were people inside the plane, and they were screaming.
OMG! shock

Suddenly the plane buckled under him and he felt it slipping. He couldn’t even afford to look down.
He scrabbled to find a handhold, a place where the plane didn’t tear itself apart under him. The slide stopped suddenly and Clark risked a glance down.
There was a hand coming from the underside of the wing, and a moment later a face appeared from behind it as well.
The face was his own.
jawdrop I already speculated in another review about a second Superman from one of the other universes, but I didn´t really expect it! At least this will be a solution for Clarks´ problem in rescuing the people in the church and the reporters!
But who is this new Superman? Another universe, same character? Or is he a different kind of Clark/Superman? What are his intentions? OK, he is saving the plane right now, but what kind of person is he?

And now you are going to let me wait with this very evil cliffhanger! Do you really think I´m able to survive that? Please, next chapter, soon! grovel