Wow! So there are 2 sets of LnC.. atleast that is what appears. But are she and Kent together? What's in the paper bag? Food? Souveniur from far-off places reachable by Kryptonian express?

More importantly, what about Vicky?

And what does this mean? If Lois and Clark manage to undo what they did in 1992 what would happen to Lane and Kent? Would they just merge into Lois and Clark? So if this is the case what incentive would Lane and Kent have for helping Lois & Clark... uhoh.

What kind of universe is this? Is this the theory where everytime you make a decision a new universe is created and since this one was created because of L&C time travelling, they and their counterparts have shared memories?

Ok I'm just rambling and probably way off base, but it's all because of the 2x4 that made me see flying birdies and fishes... laugh

Fantastic and superb. I loved Lois' chanting "no place like home" and her use of possessive pronouns (your daughter vs our / my daughter)in describing Vicky's potty adventures was lovely smile

thumbsup thumbsup

If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.

Waking a Miracle by Aria