Each new chapter gets even better than the last one!

“We’re getting the first reports in from Navy ships in the Atlantic and from the coast guard,” one of the Analysts announced. “And we have a problem. They’re reporting rifts at sea level. There has been at least one sighting of a plesiosaur.”
How long will the poor thing survive in our oceans? Wrong temperatures, wrong bacteria, other animals it isn´t used to... But the scientists will go nuts!

Politics and grim reality had worn that idealism off most of them, but it was still there at their core. There was an energy to them now, a clarity of purpose that wasn’t there before.
This wasn’t some politically confused war in a distant country. This wasn’t a situation where there were a thousand confusing shades of gray. This at last was clear cut.
Wonderfully written!

“I can’t get any reception,” he heard the teenager complain behind him.
Of course it had to be a teenager complaining about missing reception for his cell phone! It seems cell phones are an integral part of each teenager! :rolleyes:

The swarm descended on the boys like a biblical plague, but a moment before it hit them a sudden breeze arose. It struck with the power of a fist and the boys were visibly staggered, but the swarm was dispersed behind them.
The red and blue figure floating above them was a sudden shock, and he felt his world suddenly shifting on its axis. A lifetime of devotion to science and biology hadn’t prepared him for the existence of Superman.
It seems Professor Hanover didn´t watch the news... a typical devoted scientist who lives in his very own world. And his first reaction is to think of Clark as Superman. I love it!

Pulling them was the only thing that made sense, though the sheer power that it would have taken to pull thousands of tons of weight over gravel and sand was mind boggling.
It wasn’t until the first telephone began to ring that people realized that it was over. First one ring, and then another and then another again. It seemed as though the entire car was filled with the sound of ringing telephones and for the first time it wasn’t the sound of annoyance or just the noise pollution of daily life.
It was the ringing bells of victory.
Again a cold shiver was running down my spine while reading this scene! I can imagine it very well in a movie... Simply marvellous! clap

You had me grinning the whole day because of this chapter! Keep on writing, pleeeease! grovel