Oh, Beth, I can't believe I almost missed this. It's so cute. I loved Clark's reaction to the toy and I particularly like Lois in this story. At first somewhat exasperated with him:
“You had left to go take care of that earthquake, which left me to deal with a pack of eight-year-olds by myself plus a very left out little sister. I was a little too busy to pay close attention during present time.”
she gets over it quickly and is a nice calming influence later:
“Clark, it'll be okay. It's just some cheap knock-off toy that slipped through without the Foundation's knowledge. We'll alert them of the problem, and they'll take care of it. It'll be off the market as soon as possible.”
And I particularly liked the conversation about letting the kids in on his secret. It's one of the great questions of yours stories - why did LnC wait so long? This doesn't answer it fully, but at least give a sense that they didn't mean to, they were just waiting for the perfect time.