Thank you for updating so fast, Shayne! rotflol
But it seems they now have gotten it. More and more they start calling him Superman instead of silly things like `the man in the Superman costume´ or something like that.

“I…” he said. “You make me feel…”
He was struggling for words and Lois felt a moment of sympathy. She knew exactly how he felt because she was feeling that way herself.
She pulled him down to her and kissed him.
Feeling the earth moving had always seemed like a hackneyed cliché, something bad writers used when they couldn’t come up with anything any more creative.
But in this case Lois felt her center of balance giving way and she felt suddenly dizzy. She closed her eyes and it was as though the entire world faded away from around her.
Simply beautiful, Shayne! You had me melting in my chair - and chuckling, because of the audience!
And for the `hackneyed cliche´ as you put it: feel yourself in good company, even Hemingway used it! (To whom the Bell tolls)

It wasn’t until she heard the cheers from some people in the crowd that she opened her eyes and saw the flashes of photographs being taken.
Although she was a reporter, this wasn’t something she wanted to share with the entire world. It was going to go out on You Tube, and it was only going to fan the flames of the bigots who were trying to kill her.
Not only Youtube, but all over the networks... with grinning anchormen! Dear Lois, couldn´t you think of a more public place than the front lawn of the White House for kissing Superman? :rolleyes: laugh

And I love the short scene with Cyrus! I was shouting "CYRUS!" in front of my computer when I read the name! Great!