Thanks so much guys for the feedback.

Michael, to answer your question, they haven't seen each other in ten days because Ellie's been burning the candle at both ends trying to find a solution to their problem while fitting in Nebula duties and her school research.

And I hate to disappoint people, but this is the last we'll see of Mr. Stewart for a while. I've edited the last part a little (and will probably do some more editing before it hits the archive) to hopefully make his character a bit clearer, but he's not likely to say anything in front of Lois.

This man is very much aware of the power structure between people. In this setting, Lois is on equal ground with him, so he's going to play along and be nice to everyone. He makes his living by acting, so this won't be a problem.

Even at the lunch with Ellie, he wouldn't normally have been so overtly critical, especially with things that came very close to revealing too much about Jay' former job. But he was thrown off balance by Jay's announcement of dating Ellie, and he compensated by hitting Jay over and over with verbal abuse, therefore reminding his son who exactly is in control of the relationship.

All this sounds like Jay's father is a cold, calculating, nasty man. And he is on the outside, especially to people he's abused. But his behavior is all about controlling the circumstances around him, and not just because he wants to be mean. There was one very important moment in his life that he couldn't control, and all this behavior is him trying to make up for that. Of course that doesn't excuse him, but hopefully that humanizes him. I don't like writing mean, shallow characters who are mean just for the sake of it, so just remember that this guy has some redeeming qualities, if he is ever willing to let them come out.

Hey, Terry, I just saw your comment. Very good point, although I assume you mean Ellie and JAY, not Jon. wink Having a loving, accepting father like Clark, Ellie has had a very different experience from Jay.

Thanks everyone for commenting!