Elisabeth said:

I love it when she comes to false conclusions. It's as good as the idea that if Martha Kent sewed Superman's suit that makes Clark and Supes brothers.
Yes, Lois has a knack for those false conclusions, doesn't she? But, since Elisabeth brought up Lois's assumption in the show that Clark and Superman were brothers, that brings us to the subject of brothers... and that brings us to what you said in the previous FDK thread, Barbara, that your fic has certain similarities with the biblical story of Cain and Abel! Well, Cain and Abel were certainly brothers... so don't tell me that this weird but now-defunct "Superman" was really Clark Kal-El Kent's long-lost Kryptonian brother, Sup-El? (Who was adopted by a Chinese couple who called their son Sup-El Man????) eek eek eek

Anyway, I'm very much enjoying this story! It was so much fun to see Clark experience various misgivings and strange emotions which seemed so familiar to him, but he could not fathom the reason for them. Such as his reluctance to show Lois his perfectly healed abdomen, or his sudden jealousy when Lois wanted him to take Superman's place! laugh

Interestingly, I remember that Lois did suspect, in the beginnning of this fic, that Clark was Superman. Now she has completely abandoned that idea - well, given that Superman's body has supposedly been found, Lois's change of mind when it comes to Clark's possible moonlighting as Superman is perhaps not so surprising. Still, she might consider the fact that "Superman" acted very strangely and out of character when she saw him last.

This is a phenomenal mystery! Ah well, you've got to hand it to Lois. What she lacks in brains she makes up with hare-brained-ness and with the sheer doggedness that can scare any rabbits, bears and wolves out of their lairs!
