I'm a little disappointed. I had hoped that, as Superman's physician, Dr. Klein might have spotted some really suspicious similarities between Superman and Clark.

Oh well! I hope that Lois will put two and two together herself. Why is Clark healing so fast? Lois saw his wound when it was new. You have shown us some sweet scenes where Lois and Clark have been not all that far away from making love. I'm not going to try to persuade you to take your story into any particular direction in that department wink , but I might point out that it would be possible for Lois and Clark to have a not-too-heavy making-out session that might reveal to Lois that Clark has indeed healed more quickly than what is humanly possible. Therefore, he has to be Superman himself, and therefore Superman can't be dead! For that matter, it may not even be necessary for them to make out for Lois to make that connection, considering what Clark told her at the end of this part:

Here, touch my abdomen, it's barely even sensitive.”
You told me that your story resembled the Bible somehow, and I have been wracking my brains to figure out how. So let me suggest this, then:

Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust [it] into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. (John 20:27)
Lois is hardly an unbelieving Thomas (or maybe some people would insist that she is?) but if she touches Clark's side, like Thomas touched Jesus' side, then maybe she can come to some conclusions?
