Clark bit back a gasp of surprise as he saw the apartment. The interior looked a lot homier than the apartment building did. He really liked it. There were large bookshelves on one wall and he somehow felt drawn to them. So he obviously liked books.
For some reaon this warmed my heart, that Clark loved his own apartment. He instantly recognized it on an emotional level, just as he instantly responded to Lois on an emotional level.

Everything looked positively neat except for a rather small amount of chaos on the table in front of his sofa. Lois obviously had noticed his glance and gestured towards the table.

“I'm sorry. I waited for you here and didn't clean up...”
And I loved this, too. Clark's apartment is so neat, and the only chaos inside it is Lois's doing!

For a moment he sat there motionless and had no idea what to do. Of course he could wait for Lois to return, but somehow this seemed pretty silly to him. He was a grown man, although he surely *felt* that he was barely one hour old.
I love it! Clark felt as if he was barely one hour old, indeed. Yes, it is as if he had been created from scratch, or rather, of course, as if he has had all of his previous life ripped away from him. Still, the very idea that adult Clark might be just an hour is almost mesmerizing to me. Surely this is Genesis all over again!

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Adam and Eve - Clark and Lois?

Clark was confused and wondered if she had just left. Had he done something wrong? Or maybe it was a habit of hers to regularly disappear on a moments notice and without telling him why?
Well, poor amnesiac Clark. You don't know it, but this is what you used to do to Lois!

I loved how Clark looked at those pictures of Lois, wondering what she might be to him, and so very much wishing that she might be more than a friend.

She hadn't found anything to bandage his wound with in the whole kitchen. It was strange. She had thought that a man who nearly fainted at the sight of his own blood would have something like that at home. For a bachelor, he was pretty tidy but at the same time very badly organized.
I love this, too. Clark instantly loved his apartment, but Lois judges it - and him - a lot more dispassionately.

“Clark?” she repeated and suddenly her heart raced at the thought of Clark coming from the bathroom in no more than a towel. Lois could feel herself blush at the mental image. She remembered that incident as if it had been yesterday. Even weeks after that morning, she had still been busy justifying her reaction. She had tried to reassure herself that it had been nothing more than the normal response of a woman to such a well-built man. But that just wasn't true. Clark wasn't the only man she had seen bare-chested, but she couldn't remember drooling like that over one of the others.
Oh, but she isn't that dispassionate about him after all!

Lois sat down beside him, but he didn't stir. She reached out to run her hand along his cheek and noticed his beard. It shouldn't surprise her that he wasn't shaved. He had been gone for four days and as tired as he was now he certainly hadn't put any effort in restoring his outer appearance. Though Lois clearly preferred Clark with smooth skin, the beard looked kind of sexy on him. She realized that she had never before seen him unshaven; it was a completely new experience.
Hmmm, yes. If I remember the previous version of this story correctly, Clark is going to turn up at the Planet the following day with a beard, because he couldn't find a razor in his bathroom! (Oh, and... yes, he is coming in to work, even though he can't remember a thing! Well, it was like that in the previous version, at least!)

Anyway, Lois bandaged Clark's wound, and then she kissed him. Clark thanked her for kissing him, and then...

He ran his hand along her cheek, brushing away a strand of her hair. “That was far better…” His voice trailed off as he closed his eyes again and soon Lois heard his even breathing.

She would have liked to kiss him again, more intensely, with all her heart and body. But she didn't want to wake him up, not when he looked so peaceful. She took off her shoes and lay down next to him, resting her hand on his chest and breathing in the endearing warmth of his body. She felt his hand on her shoulders, pressing her against him, unconsciously.

'Just another moment,' Lois thought as she closed her eyes. 'I'll enjoy being so close to him just one more moment.'

Tired of the day that lay behind her, Lois drifted off to sleep. And it didn't take long until she started dreaming.
I love that Lois falls asleep next to Clark!

After that, though she had her horrible dream about Superman and Clark.

Lois felt her heart stop at the sight of Superman and Clark. Time went by so slowly that each second seemed to last an eternity. Both men stood still, staring at each other disparagingly like the foes in the showdown of a western movie.
You said that something in your fic might remind you of something in the Bible, though not Genesis. Well, this passage about Superman and Clark reminds me very slightly of the battle between Jacob and an angel in Genesis 32:24-30:

24And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.

25And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.

26And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.

27And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.

28And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

29And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.

30And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.
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It's an uneven fight, isn't it? But I don't think that the Superman in Lois's dream is anything like an angel.

This remains fascinating, Barbara.
