In my Mind: She still drugged him, she still raped him. It's a crime and she needs to be locked up.
I hate to intrude since I'm not current with this fic, but this reasoning (and I've seen several people use it, not just the more recent poster) is disturbing to me because it suggests an equivalency between male-female rape and female-male rape. I've seen it before and never commented, but I think I should just go ahead and do so now.

It's not the same.

Several studies have shown where the differences are and I could hash them out here, but I would take a lot more room than what I should in something off topic. Suffice to say that a man never feels the physical powerlessness and the psychic repercussions a woman feels (for entirely societally constructed reasons). Here I am referring explicitly to female-male rape (between adults).

This is not to engage in oppression Olympics, but there are serious societal issues at work that make the two acts of coercion very different.

And of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the logic of "it's the same" can used in very unsettling ways.

My apologies Michael, I just thought this was an important perspective to bring in.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan