Huh. Only two parts left. And matter is about to hit the fan. Will there be time for a happy ending? Suddenly I don't think so.

No one died in this part. I was almost surprised. But I started to think that the person who is going to die could be Lois after all. Not so that she is going to die physically, but so that her Lois Lane identity gets shot, the way Clark's did at that Al Capone club (can never remember what the place was called). It was interesting that Lois had gotten herself a new outfit that no one has yet seen. This could be the perfect opportunity to wear it, and to pretend to be an entirely new heroine.

It amused Lois that Clark's baggy trunks were soft gray and his loose casual shirt was cream-colored and buttoned up most of the way, while Lex's much tighter trunks were bright red while his upper body was covered by a close-fitting pale blue t-shirt. Not exactly Superman's colors, but close, and it was a symbolic role reversal that she didn't think Clark was aware of.
That was a funny little detail. It is probably symbolic somehow, although I'm not exactly sure how. Maybe it only reflects the fact that Lois loves Lex, not Superman. But does she really?

She did, however, wonder at Lex's choice of attire. Was he trying to make a statement to her, to Clark, or to all of them? Or did it even matter? Or was he trying to impress her with his physique?
Lois doesn't quite get the point of Lex's "Superman suit" herself.

Then several porpoises leaped out of the water near the bow of the craft. Lois was so excited that she clapped her hands and squealed with delight. “Look! Look! It's Flipper!”
Wow!!! I would have been totally delighted myself!

Back to your relationship, Clark. How serious are you about her?”

He hesitated, then said, “I think she's pretty serious about me, but I don't know how serious I am about her. Besides, she doesn't know about my part-time job yet. I have no idea how she'd take that news.”

“You mean the news about – “ she made a small wavy motion with one hand “ – you know.”

“Yeah.” He waited for a moment, then said, “I'd really like to tell her. I mean, I'd really, really like to tell her.”
Clark wants to tell Rebecca about Superman, but he is scared of what her reaction might be.

“So, you really wish you could tell Lex so you'd have another person close to you to talk to about it all?”

“Huh. I never thought about it like that, but – yeah, I guess that's part of the reason he and I are – whatever we are. The problem is that I don't know how Lex would react to knowing who I really am – I mean, who else I really am – my other self – and I'm a little afraid of telling him. You know he's never been real fond of Superman, and he isn't exactly Ultra Woman's biggest fan, either.”
And Lois wants to tell Lex, but she is worried about how he will react, too.

Sounds like Clark and Mayson all over again.

And Lana was a control freak who controlled her and Clark's relationship, and she made a lot of money, too.

Normally I'd be really angry at Clark for throwing Lois over board, but now that she has superpowers I forgive him! And the thing she said to him to provoke his retaliation was definitely funny!

Clark shifted forward and pointed at a star to the northeast.

“Look at that bright one there. Isn't that part of Orion's belt?”
No! If you see one bright star, then it's not part of Orion's Belt, unless it's hugging the horizon. Orion's Belt is unmistabkable:

[Linked Image]

Three bright stars in a row. Orion's Belt.

In Sweden you can never see Orion to the northeast. It is always more or less to the south. In the United States it rises higher in the sky, traces out a bigger arc on the sky and moves farther to he north, but I doubt that even you could see it in the northeast. I'd say you need to go to the southern hemisphere for that! (Sorry, couldn't resist!)

“No buts! I was in good shape then and I'm still in good shape now. I get all the exercise I need in the newsroom.”

“In the newsroom? How?”

“By jumping to conclusions, flying off the handle, running down the boss, knifing friends in the back, dodging responsibility, and pushing my luck.”
That's so funny! That's so great! It's vintage Terry!

But Lois wasn't a bit like that other woman. Lois was curious, open, friendly, and caring about other people, none of which the bodybuilder had been. The other woman had spoken almost exclusively about heath issues, her personal measurements, her current workout routine, her upcoming contests, and her prospects on the competitive stage. Things like world peace, injustice, crime, political corruption, and the problems and perks of running a billion-dollar business empire had never crossed her steroid-stimulated mind.

He sighed deeply and gazed up at the star-speckled sky. She shifted closer and put her hand flat against his chest. “Mmm,” he murmured. “You feel so good.”
You made me like Lex here. Of course, a part of me is still protesting. That is Lex!!! He can't be good!

And Lex and Lois had a good time that night, and so did Clark and Rebecca. They had a good time the following day, too, when they were playing Hearts.

And then Nigel shows up with a gun.

Are we goig to have the same shocking, chaotic ending to this tale as we did to its prequel? Somebody is dead at sea, Clark and Lois are witnesses, and their worlds are falling apart around them?
