Again: Wow!

Of course, this wasn’t exactly what Lois had outlined either. She’d envisioned him doing high profile things to get noticed, so that the press would listen when he told his story. This wasn’t high profile at all, but he didn’t see that he had a choice.
It was the right thing to do.
Whatever happened, this was what he’d been meant to do.
It seems he finally has accepted his destiny. He came a long way in your story!

Everything was gone. The valley had been wiped clean and the bodies coming down the river were fouling the water. Old Thaung was already sick, and it wouldn’t be long before it spread to the others.
Nanda felt numb. A week ago he’d had everything. He’d had a family that loved him, a girl who had promised to wait for him, and he’d been preparing to become an adult. If his siblings teased him about his western style t-shirts with western logos, it was only good natured fun.
Now he’d been wearing the same ragged shirt for almost a week. Despite the wind he was sitting here, outside the monastery because he couldn’t stand to listen to the crying of the smallest children. They were crying because of hunger; his pain was deeper.
I love it how you write these small side characters that step into the story and out of it: Cyrus and his sister, the meteorologist whatshisname, the scientists or Jacob, and now Nanda. You give a few lines to each one of them for characterization - and you manage to give them live with it! thumbsup

Although Clark was bulletproof, he didn’t see how he’d be able to stop the soldiers from taking the goods as soon as he left. He’d seen that sort of bullying before, in his travels in Africa on his own world, and it wasn’t the sort of thing one man, no matter how powerful could stop.
It could be a solution to put the container inside the monasteries, perhaps in an inner courtyard. As far as I know, the monks of Birma get their living from the people around the monasteries, and it´s a sacred thing to give them food and other things. Even the Junta stays away from the monks as long as they don´t start to demonstrate on the streets. But I don´t know enough about the situation there...

The reporter was braver than he would have expected, stepping into the shadow of the storage container.
“Are you talking about flight 1013 that appeared in Washington D.C.?”
Again one of your carefully constructed side characters! I can see her - still some eggshells sticking behind her ears from the hatching, but already an intrepid reporter! And a clear head and fast and correct conclusions in front of something so unbelievable. In reality she wouldn´t have to wait a long time for an offer from a big network...

“The United States government is holding almost two hundred people who have committed no crime other than being refugees from another country,” he said.
Mr. President, I would suggest a press conference, and very quickly! Another universe, a rift between different universes, an alien flying around and a planeload of people kept locked up... Something definitely has hit the fan! clap

An aide gestured to her, and she moved quickly to a monitor to the side. MSNBC had a crew of reporters on the ground in Myanmar, and they were showing a man in a blue and red suit landing while carrying a giant storage container.
Myanmar troops were firing at him.
Uh oh. What will Clark do? He still has to prove his peaceful intentions to the world. Of course the suit does its magic, but there must be a lot of people in front of their TV screens thinking: `What are his real intentions? If he´s an alien, everything is possible, he could be really dangerous with that abilities...Is he really Superman or something else?´ I could think of a number of ways for him to deal with those troops. A little bit of intimidation would not hurt, I think - of course nothing involving bodily harm to the soldiers.
And I also hope that none of the cyclone victims get hurt from the bullets bouncing off him!

I´m almost pitying Pilar now! She will be in the same positions she put Lois in - `Shut the door and take a seat...´ and if she´s lucky, she will keep her job!

I want to read what´s happening in Birma! And what about Lois and Agent White! Do they have a TV connection on board, so they can see what has happened? Please, next chapter! grovel