What a marvelous chapter!

“He likes to gamble and once he sits down at the tables you couldn’t get him up for anything short of the apocalypse.”
Apocalypse? Just wait and see... laugh

Being a reporter had helped, a little. It had satisfied his need to help and to make a difference in the world, but he’d been left with the nagging sense that he had more to offer.
Being a reporter was in many ways like being a police officer. Most days, you only came along after the harm had occurred. It was rare to get to prevent a crime.
He had the power to stop them as they were happening. The small, secretive rescues he’d done over the years had only whetted his appetite for more.
Now at least he had something concrete he could do instead of simply running and hiding.
A very good characterization!

As long as the whole thing remained a secret, the government was going to be able to keep the passengers locked away.
That´s exactly why they have to go public with the whole thing.

In that case going public would once again be their only recourse. If she could convince the public of one impossible fact, that Superman was real, other impossible facts would be easier to swallow.
I already can see it... a very real Superman in our real world! Just imagine it would really happen... I can´t stop grinning spinning that thought!

Pilar was going to be furious, and Agent Randal was probably on his way already. Imagining their reactions almost made the risk worth it.
Agent Randal will not be able to find anything in Georgia. Take it, your prey is playing cat and mouse with you... and you are not the cat! devil

He felt ashamed.
His entire life had been about hiding, about pretending he was normal and doing only as much as he could without risking himself.
Lois was a federal fugitive and it wouldn’t be long before police and others were on the scene, yet she was stepping forward, risking everything to help people she didn’t even know.
Need a role model, Clark?

“What’s in Illinois?” Clark asked, glancing at her.
“A place to stay,” Lois said, “And something you need.”
He nodded and they began to turn.
The nice thing about Clark was that he treated her as an equal partner. He was willing to fly halfway across the country on her word alone.
He had no idea what was coming.
First I thought the same thing: "What´s in Illinois?" And then I saw the link to the Superman museum in the review... so finally it´s the suit! Great! Will he try to refuse? He has no chance against Lois! laugh