A new chapter, and so quick! I didn´t expect it, and I was gone since Saturday for a family celebration, so I´m a little late this time!

Squinting harder, he strained to see anything at all. There were spectrums of light that he could see that he had no words for; colors with names that didn’t even exist. Mostly he ignored these as being too trivial or too terrifying to bother with.
The world seen through some spectrums was a horrifying place.
Mostly he tried to stay near what he assumed was the human norm, although he really had no way of being sure if what he saw was even close to what normal people saw.
I never thought about his special vision abilities that way. How often has he made little mistakes about colors because he sees things differently? And again, Lana! mad

Utterly useless for the most part, the visual abilities were a boon now. By turning his head and squinting he could just make out the edges of the rift, which was expanding rapidly.
So he is able to see the rift! That´s what he needs for bringing the people through it.

It wasn’t the sort of thing Superman would do, but as he said, he’d never been Superman. He was a person, and people sometimes did stupid, selfish things.
She didn’t want to believe it. She’d come to admire him a little, in a way that she hadn’t admired anyone since her father had died. So far as she could see, he lived up to the ideals her father had espoused.
Her disappointment would be profound if he abandoned her and her sister and all the others trapped here.
Honestly, Lois! You really should know him better by now! :rolleyes:

“What if I had tried to take the others back through and it was a world even worse off than this one?” Clark said. “Like a world with those giant scorpions maybe, or a world with no shrimp.”

They were a handsome couple, and the chemistry between them was obvious. Malcolm wondered how long they had been together.
Great! laugh

“Has anyone else seen this?”
Lois glanced at the screen and said, “About three hundred thousand people.”
That´s a lot of people, even for Youtube, and especially for a video about some birds. It doesn´t seem to have alerted the ornithologists by now, if Malcolm didn´t know about it.

“I have a colleague, Thomas Ledderman. He’s done some groundbreaking work in string theory. He’s lost some credibility recently, but he’s considered one of the leading minds in the field.”
“Why has he lost credibility?”
“He’s suing the government over participation in a project in France. He’s convinced that it’s going to destroy the world.”
I heard about this LHC thingy. I don´t know much about physics, but I heard about some people claiming it would destroy the world, and I also heard the scientists dismissing this completely. If that´s the trigger for the dimensional rifts, Clark has to talk to some governments, and quickly. And now he has proof that he comes from another universe, and that there is a big problem causing dimensional rifts. I think the chances are much better now that someone will listen - of course not Agent Randal! And for the first time it will be Superman saving the world - OUR world! laugh

Please, next chapter, same speed! jump