Jay has his memory back - or does he? Were there some kind of unexpected side effects which made him go a little crazy?

Or did his recovered memories clash with his current romance with Ellie? Has he gone off the reconcile his two sets of feelings for her?

Or has he remembered what happened to him and gone off on a mission of personal revenge?

That last is, I think, the most likely, and it's also the most dangerous for all concerned. If he gets himself badly hurt now, Ellie might go a little nuts and get all medieval on somebody's head. And Kaylie won't be far behind her, with the difference that Kaylie is a bit more likely to actually kill someone than Ellie is. And if she has the chance to do that, will Jon be able to talk her down?

Just one more chapter! I don't know how you'll resolve it, either, but I'd bet dollars to donuts it'll be good.

Hope it'll be soon, too. You can't leave Jay hanging like that, can you?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing