At last the next chapter! smile1

At the top of the page, a cursor blinked on a blank line, with a button next to it saying “Search web.”
Hesitantly, he typed in the word “Superman.”
When I read this, I just imagined him coming across lcficmbs or lcfanfic - and perhaps this story! I would also like to see him browsing the nfic section... eek blush

“How’s it going?” Lois asked, glancing at the screen.
It showed the iconic comic book cover of her counterpart sobbing, holding Superman dead.
“It says we’re married,” he said, looking a little stunned.
I still have that comic!
And he is giving his secret away pretty much by saying `we´. He is already seeing himself as Superman or he wouldn´t say it that way.

He was very still and Lois realized that she had put her hand on his shoulder. The waitress behind the bar was scowling even more broadly. Lois considered taking her hand away and then defiantly left it.
As though it was any of the girl’s business who she chose to touch.
Oh yes. And of course that´s the only reason for you to touch him, Lois... laugh

They named Perry White. They had Jimmy Olsen as some sort of flunky instead of as a computer magnate, and as far as Clark knew, Lex Luthor was just a wealthy businessman.
Of course, there had been rumors…
Good for Clark to have some information about Lex Luthor. Once his suspicions are raised, he will start to investigate what Luthor does... and hopefully Luthor will find out too late and go help