Ann, you wrote:
I found the "little filly" reference vaguely sexist.
I don't understand why. That was a continuation of the "lead a horse to water" metaphor he was thinking about earlier. He wasn't calling the Planet's resident feline an equine.

But thanks for all the great feedback. I, too, have a "love-hate" relationship with this story. I never intended for it to grow into the beast which it has become, but it just kept on growing and growing and growing. I took out enough stuff for another six parts or so because it didn't move the story forward. Some of it may show up in another story later on.

Michael, when Arianna said Lex had to do "someone" else, she was making a crude comment about Lois and venting her own anger. But at least we now know why so many of Lex's previous relationships didn't work out.

AnKS, I'm glad you're reading, and I'm glad you like the narrative even if you're not crazy about the direction of the story. I ask you to hang in there, because things will change soon. Of course, you might not like that change either! And if Lois is considering cashing that rain check - well, we'll see what happens.

Maria, you always draw great conclusions from the clues in these stories. Without revealing too much, I can confirm that ACL Enterprises was Arianna's business in the series when she popped up just after Luthor died (the first time). And your question about Nigel and Arianna using Luthor's name for criminal business - well, I'm wondering if you've been peeking at my hard drive.

Elisabeth, that "rain check" was indeed some serious flirting. And I tried to show that Lois, despite her growing feelings for Lex, was unsure about cashing that check. We'll see how Clark and Lex get along together before the end of the story.

Thanks for reading and commenting, everyone!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing