Interesting reaction of Clark's to the red kryptonite. Since the show never really established any 'rules' about the red K I guess I can accept your interpetation of the red K's effects. In the comics, each piece of Red Kryptonite would affect a kryptonian in a unique way and only once. So a piece that made Clark apathetic would also make Zara or Ching apathetic but would never affect Clark again. This effect would generally last about 48 hours. So, the rock that boosted Clark's powers would only do it that one time, then it wouldn't be able to affect him again.

But, as I said, the tv show allowed red K to do whatever was convenient for the storyline.

I don't necessarily see where the so-called explanation of altLois' death excuses CK's Kryptonian biology from any culpability. It seems as if they really don't know why Lois came down with the condition or what the actual cause might be. Under those nebulous circumstances I'd think that Clark would be reluctant to put Lois in danger without more 'proof' that carrying a half Kryptonian child wasn't dangerous to her. I could see Lois latching onto the ambiguousness as a positive if she truly wanted to have a child (though I still can't imagine why she would). But would hope that Clark would want to have more solid evidence before risking Lois' life.

Tank (who thinks that maybe Clark should test drive someone 'expendable' first, like Lana, or Cat)