Thanks everyone for the comments!

I wanted to have Lois and Kaylie investigate something together for the longest time, so I'm really glad it's got other people interested too. Even though it does make their significant others tremble in terror. wink

Michael, my knowledge of Star Trek stops at that weird finger thingy, so I have no idea about Klingons, but it does sound like an interesting possibility.

dede, I'm glad my bad science didn't put you off the story, but now that I hear you're a computer guru, I'm going to be on my toes if Jon ever has to say anything smart!

And Carol, I can't really complain if this story is always on you're mind. Makes me feel pretty good! wink Am I right in remembering that the Crimson Superman's costume was less formfitting? If so, I don't think Jon would object after the whole pin-up episode.