Still reading. Still enjoying the writing. Not enjoying Lex and Rebecca very much.

I really wonder if Lois will manage to help poor Cat before it's too late. I am reminded of a detective story I once read, where a fourteen-year-old girl was kidnapped and tortured. I don't know why I didn't stop reading it when the torture started, but the book was well written, and I was hopeful... Would you believe that the girl died of her injuries half an hour before the detective found her? I promised myself that I would never read anything by that author again. Not only that, but I promised myself to stay away from books where young girls were tortured and/or murdered, too. Which has made me realize how many such books there really are out there...

Anyway, Terry. Just giving you, hmmm, a friendly suggestion about what you should do about your Cat problem.... wink

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Please save her before it's too late! (Although I won't get totally devastated if you don't. wink )

And I'm so curious about who the Boss will turn out to be!
