I agree with what Elisabeth said. Unsurprisingly, given my tastes, the Lois/Martha part was by far my favorite. You bet I giggled at this:

The door was no barrier to her x-ray vision, and it revealed Martha Kent standing patiently in the hallway. Lois was glad it was Martha and not Jonathan or Clark who had awakened her. She now knew what style and brand of underwear Martha wore, and she was again glad that she was learning to control her powers before she determined whether or not Martha had any tattoos, scars, or other identifying marks anywhere on her person.
Ha-ha! Well, good thing it wasn't Clark who woke her up, then - or maybe that's a bad thing?

This was so funny, too:

“No. What's the biggest difference between the last time you ate pancakes and this morning?”

“Oh. Well, it's – it's my – my powers.” She stared open-mouthed at Martha. “You mean – you mean it's not you – but it's really me? These powers have made everything taste so good?”

“Well, it's either that or you have at least one super-power that Clark doesn't have.”

“What power?”

Yes, now that Lois has got super-taste, she can really, really savour Martha's excellent cooking! laugh

And this was great:

“And just for the record, I think you're doing the right thing, dear.”

Lois eyed her warily. “You haven't heard my decision yet.”

“No, but if you'd chosen to have Bob try to remove your powers, you wouldn't be asking my advice on how to use them. If you'd decided to hide them, you'd have the option to come out of the closet – “ Lois giggled at the phrase “ – okay then, "reveal yourself' any time you wanted to later on. No, I think you've decided to wear a brightly-colored spandex costume and fight for truth and justice using your new abilities.”
Yes! I love the idea of Super-Lois, fighting for truth and justice.

Lois stared at her for a long moment. “Do you practice psychology on the side or are you psychic?”

Martha grinned. “I'm a mother, dear, so it's a little of both.” She stood. “Tell you what. Why don't you let me take your measurements? I bet I could come up with something that will suit you.”

Lois made a face. “Something that will "suit' me?”

Martha frowned, then smiled in comprehension. “Sorry, that one was unintentional. I'm generally not a fan of puns.” She gestured to her sowing room. “Shall I go find my tape measure?”

“Thank you so very much, Martha! You're a wonder.”
That thing about a mother being a psychologist as well as a psychic was so funny. And Martha is making Lois a suit! Yes! Is she going to be Ultra-Woman?

Then Lois was reunited with Lex and Clark with Rebecca... and I realized just how much I hadn't missed them. Lex and Rebecca, I mean.

And I hated the fact that Lex and Lois both missed Nigel's reaction to seeing Lois alive!!! razz

Asabi's warning to Lex was interesting. Does he really suspect Nigel? Or is this a super-clever red herring aimed at hiding the fact that Asabi himself is the "boss" who gives orders to Nigel? Ah well, probably not. But why is Lex so dense that he won't take Asabi's warnings seriously? frown

Here's hoping that Lois and Clark will shake off their Lex and Rebecca delusions as soon as possible!
