Another amazing part!!! But please, Shayne, why are they so short??? The cliffhangers are killing me!!!

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“If I can get her to turn State's evidence against the others, could she get a deal?”

“If she cooperates first,” Agent White said. “I wouldn't wait too long. We're working on all the others.”
Debbie said it perfectly: one or other of the other passengers will break and start "confessing" in order to save their own skin. And it's off with Lucy to Guantanamo, or worse.

“Conspiracy?” Lois asked, dreading what he was going to say next.

“Every person on that plane is telling the same cockamamie story,” Agent White shook his head grimly. “Try to sell a jury on the idea that one hundred and ninety five people are all crazy, sharing the same delusion. They'll throw her ass in jail so fast your head will spin.”
Of course... but it is shocking to read it all the same, and it is shockingly well written.

“Hoping to find an excuse to ship her off to Guantanomo?”

For the first time Agent White's face showed a sign of irritation. “I didn't have to tell you anything. As it is, I've pulled as many strings as I could because I thought you deserve to know.”

“Because you thought I might be able to get Lucy to talk,” Lois said.

“She didn't recognize me,” he said. “Not even after I talked with her.”
Lucy didn't recognize Agent White? Had they been seeing each other before she was killed?

“Have you thought that this might be some kind of Superman cult?”

“They don't believe in Superman.”

“They believe in Gotham and Batman. What if they are waiting for a Superman as a sort of messiah?”

“Like a Heaven's Gate sort of thing…poisoned Cool Aid and the Hale Bop Comet?”

“There were kids on that plane,” Susan said. “You have to indoctrinate them pretty hard to get them to all follow the same line. Kids don't do politics much, but religion…”

“That would make Lucy pretty important,” Lois said.

“That would make you even more important.” Susan said. “Like the Virgin Mary or something. Be careful around these people. You don't know what they are capable of.”
Oh wow!!!! Lois as some sort of Virgin Mary! Or at least as the Messiah's chosen mate!!!!

What will it be like for Lois to come to Clark's reality, if indeed that ever happens? To know that she is destined to be with Clark, with Superman? To know that she is a sort of Virgin Mary?

Lois nodded and grabbed the door handle. “We're scheduled to go back there the day after tomorrow. Apparently that's when they'll have the results they need to convince them that Lucy is actually my sister and not somebody they can start water boarding right away.”
So in two days, the authorities will know that Lucy from the plane has exactly the same DNA as dead Lucy in the grave? Somehow, that suggests to me that this is about how long Clark has got if he wants to save the people from his own reality.

“Don't talk like that in front of them.” Susan said sharply. “Get on their bad side and they can make your life a living hell.”

Lois nodded shortly. “Tell that to my apartment.”
What a delightful bit of humour in the midst of all this!

As she stepped out of Susan's Lexus, Lois wondered briefly how it was that she and Susan, so similar in college in terms of determination and goals had ended up living such different lives. Susan had a career, but she'd somehow managed to balance it with a husband and a child.

Lois on the other hand looked to always live alone. She wondered sometimes if she was still going to be in the same apartment fifteen years from now, living alone with only a wall filled with trophies and awards.
I guess it's going to be like that, Lois, unless you can accompany Clark back to his own reality.

Heading inside, Lois headed for her mail slot. A service had been taking care of her mail and bills, but now that she was back the mail had resumed.

She scowled at the junk mail which she'd accumulated in only two days, then froze as she saw the familiar package.

The wallet had already come back to her. It was supposed to have gone to her P.O. Box, the one she kept for sources and other confidential business.

“Insufficient postage.” Lois grimaced. She'd used old stamps and the prices had gone up again.
Yes!! She's got it back!!

The door to the elevator slid open and Lois headed down the hall.

She was already opening the door when she realized that something was wrong.

The lights were on, the apartment was spotless, and she could hear the sounds of her shower running.

Someone was in her apartment.

Given the day she'd just had, Lois wasn't in a mood to run.
Please let it be Clark!!!! hyper

And please come back... pretty much immediately with more, Shayne!!!
